Jason Sissung

Land of Nightmares

To see, is to partially believe. To hear, is to ignore. To read, is to live.


Released: 13 Oct 2021
(Sweetspire Literature)


The story of the first Necromancer.

Nekora, raised by the King and Queen of Morhgrammir, a city nestled in the lush forest valley on the island of Almaryha. She is gifted in the art of combat and arcane magic. Her friends and family love her. She puts everyone first before her, especially Thorn, her best friend. After years of loving friendships, the infamous Drow (Dark Elves) decimated her kingdom. Revenge is foremost on her mind as her family and friends die at the hands of black dragons. While seeking a new home, she comes across many contentions and learns to hate humans. After years of attacks and threats, she relents to her sinister side. Will she overcome adversity, or become something even more terrifying?

2nd Place Overall Fantasy Novel April 2022

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Barnes & Noble

Released: 08 Aug 2022
(Newman Springs Publishing)


Volhara is the best of the best. She can make split decisions to better herself in almost any situation. Physical and mental prowess beyond anything that can be achieved. With events outside of her control, will she be strong enough to overcome adversity not only in her surroundings but in herself? Can she outsmart the enemy and overcome her worst fears?

An epic fantasy with plenty of dragons and battle scenes.


Barnes & Noble

3 Books Coming Soon!

Hyper ~50%

Hacroween ~10%

Bearings ~1%

Percentage Complete as of (05/19/24)

Nekora and Volhara have my undivided attention. They are currently undergoing re-editing and re-publishing. After they are released into the wild, my focus will be on Hyper and Hacroween with Bearings around the same time. Or hope to.

Not all those who wander are lost.


Set aside everything you think you know about the fantasy realm.

Realize that evil is a matter of perspective.

About Me

Jason grew up in beautiful San Diego, California. He retired from military service to become an instructor and on to systems engineering. Jason has been an avid video gamer throughout his life, with fantasy and horror as his favorite genre.



About my Books

Through gaming comes vision. Through visions come dreams. Through dreams come stories. Stories that must be told.

LinkedIn Profile: Jason Sissung